sábado, 3 de mayo de 2014

The Whale Shark

Do you know which is the largest fish in the sea? Yes, it is the Whale Shark. This amazing creatures reach lengths of 40 feet and even more. Fortunately for us at the caribbean, they prefer warm waters so we can enjoy seeing them every year. Whale Sharks populate all tropical seas and every spring they migrate to the west coast of Australia. Even this big fishes are amazingly massive, they are also very docile that is why people can be able to swim with them. They are carnivore but luckily their favorite meal is plankton and not us! 

Of course, swimming with Whale Sharks is one of a lifetime experience in any of the places you can be fortunate to see them. Don't you forget, the Riviera Maya has great places to do so such as Isla Holbox and Cancun. The Whale Shark season starts in June and ends in August.  

Don't miss the opportunity to experience the Whale Shark adventure and write us for tours information at cancunsnorkelshop@gmail.com

Also, visit us at: 

Cancun Snorkel Shop

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